A bit of a bio, and some clarity

I’ve just created a Bio page for the authors of our blog. Here’s an edited version of mine.

I am a 29-forever-year-old with a 4 year old son and financial advisor / ex-military spouse. When we met, he would eat tortilla flat bread, hermit cookies and the occasional box of Kraft Dinner. And his love of pie goes without saying. Once I moved in though, our diets went to yummy in a bread basket. As a child, I was known as the spaghetti kid. To this day, I’m a huge fan of those long, delicious noodles smothered in meat and vegetable sauce, preferably homemade.

Since Michelle introduced me to Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis back on Labour Day weekend September 2012, I’ve gradually removed obvious sources of wheat from my diet and my pantry. My spouse is happily along for the ride; though he stubbornly refuses to give up his cookies, tortilla bread and pie. [I’m on the hunt for recipes]

I’m not a #spoonie. I don’t suffer from Lupus, Fibromyalgia, GERD, Rheumatoid Arthritis, heart condition nor any chronic illness. I’m not overweight, though I choose to lose about 20lbs.  Dr. Davis talks about a food that is making a lot of people sick; it is in more things that you can imagine. Soy sauce? SMARTIES? Why is wheat in chocolate?

No, I do not need to be gluten-free. I can still enjoy corn, rice, potatoes and bananas.

Wheat Belly was never written to be a diet! Diets fail – there is something in our brains that tells us that diets are temporary. If you want to change what you eat, don’t think of it as a DIET! That’s a four letter word!

Changing what you eat and how you eat it is a life-changing commitment, a lifestyle change.

I choose to remove wheat from my diet; with that decision, comes reduced incidents of consuming other white foods. Rice or potatoes are still at some meals, but if I pull my kitchen chemistry card? Everyone eats their fill, no one goes hungry, and there are few cravings for something sweet later – and if there are? Apples or raisins or a handful of cashews.

The recipes I post do not follow the gluten-free, low sugar part of the Wheat Belly book. Again, it is NOT a diet. It is public education about the poison that wheat has become. Dr. Davis is NOT a dietician; he’s a cardiologist. I choose to eat vegetables and meat. If you pull white foods from your diet, you need to increase your protein intake. My meals roll with it. And I still have high carb foods sometimes; excluding wheat!

Over time, I’m discovering that gluten-free options for baked goods is on the near horizon; complete and gradual elimination of rice pasta, rice and potatoes will come; gradually – when my brain and body finally agree.

My choice; my meals; my taste buds; my family.

This website is about the Wheat Belly Mission. NOT about the “Wheat Belly Diet”.

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